Only images in these formats can be uploaded: .gif, .jpg, .png, .ico

Site Logos & Favicon

Logos uploaded to the header should have very little to no white space around them. Avoid having small text in the header logo. Make the logo large, between 500×110 to 900×220. It will be shrunk and look sharp even on high resolution retina displays. If you find that the lettering is too small then increase the width and reduce space between the letters and edge of the image file.

Logos in the footer appear larger so they can contain more detail such as smaller sub-text.

Favicon should be either 32×32 or 16×16.

To upload a site logo and favicon, go to Customize Website and Upload Logo or Upload Favicon.

Domain Logos

For best results domain logos should be 800×600 or if smaller, keeping the same proportions.

To upload a domain logo, go to the domain edit page and select the Upload Logo option.

Banner/Slider Images

Images for the headers should be 1920 wide and between 500 and 1080 high.

Header images can be uploaded under Customize Website then Home Page, then Banners/Sliders.


Always make sure to optimize images for fastest load time and keep the image size below 700Kb, ideally below 500Kb.