domain landing sales pages

Domain landing pages and sales pages are very important tools in domain sales. They are critical to success. When used correctly they can garner higher revenue and move inventory faster. First, lets understand what are landing pages and sales pages, and how to use them.

What are Landing Pages

The domain landing page is the first page that the visitor comes to after typing the domain into the browser or clicking a link. This type of page is exclusive for that particular domain and has a singular purpose: to convert that visitor into a lead either through a sale or initiating negotiation. All focus and attention is given to one specific domain to impress the impact of that domain in the mind of the visitor. The design of the landing page is usually  specific to the domain, and distinct from the design of the domain shop.

The benefits of domain landing pages is that the call to action is more clear, there are less distractions or options to browse away, and the design is more impactful.

What are Sales Pages

Domain sales pages are sometimes used synonymously with landing pages but there are similarities and significant differences. Like domain landing pages, sales pages have the purpose of selling domains or initiating negotiations (i.e. lead acquisition). The difference, however, is that sales pages are part of a larger website, not stand-alone pages. A sales page is another page of a website and has that website’s navigation, branding, and usually additional content.

The benefits of domain sales pages is that there are more customization options. You can strengthen your sales message. You can also include more elements to build credibility, trust, and increase brand recognition.

Why You Should Use Domain Landing & Sales Pages

The most common comments or question on domain forums is, and I’m paraphrasing, “Why not just use a mainstream marketplace’s landing pages?” This is a valid question. Simply pointing your domains to one of the large marketplaces is traditionally the easiest and cheapest (until you make a sale) way to park domains. However, if you are serious about selling domains there are overwhelming reasons why you should have dedicated landing and sales pages. Among these reasons are the following top 5:

  1. By pointing your domains to another marketplace, you are sending free traffic and free leads to that marketplace even if there is no sale that you benefit from.
  2. Any inquiries or sales to your domains results in that mainstream marketplace getting more leads they can leverage to their benefit at any time with no compensation to you.
  3. Parked pages with advertising make domain landing pages look like full of spam and can have long-term detrimental effects that hurt domains’ reputation and lead to lost sales.
  4. By having your own dedicated sales and landing pages your promotional efforts, such as on social media, can fully benefit you in the form of sales and lead generation.
  5. With your own domain shop you can get more exposure through organic or natural search engine results.


The biggest reason why domainers have opted to just point their domains to mainstream marketplaces landing or sales pages is that it took a lot of time, effort, and know-how to create landing or sales pages for hundreds of domains.

But this is no longer an excuse. With DMP it is very easy and quick to generate beautiful, customized, domain landing pages such as these default customizable landing pages, Legacy landing page, Minimalist landing pagethese sharp landing pages, and Big Picture landing page, which are available at the time of this writing.

Another advantage of using DMP for your domain landing pages and sales pages (as part of a domain shop) is that you are protected from spam and hack attacks. As your domain portfolio grows, more malicious bots target those domains. This is not a concern with a DMP domain shop.