Some days ago, Rick Schwartz made a very fundamentally true statement on Twitter with figures to back it up. He made $40,000 in the first quarter with 6,500 domains. This means he can cover the renewal costs plus make around $100,000 in profit for the year if the trend continues. Here is the tweet:
A revenue engine is a must. Otherwise you are forced to sell low or drop domains to recoup some of your losses. Cashflow is so important to any business. If you own quality domains you are sitting on traffic. Unless you monetize that traffic you are missing opportunities for recurring income.
Domain Market Pro can become your revenue engine if you utilize the monetization tools available. You can diversify your monetization sources. If you find a parking solution that works for some or many of your domains, you can continue with that. It is also recommended to build out a few domains into money sites, revenue generating sites. With DMP you can promote your money sites, integrate ad networks such as Adsense, promote your top domains, build an email list, or you may have other ideas you want to try.
Don’t let your domain traffic go to waste. Build a revenue engine that works for you.