It’s been a year since that start of this blog. Over the course of the past 12 months there were many domain marketing tips that can be put into action immediately to increase number of sales and offers. Here is a list of top domain marketing tips of 2017 which you might have missed and that can help you make 2018 your best year in domain sales.
Using Social Media to Increase Traffic and Sales
This article contains key strategies to utilizing social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin. Go to article…
Build Trust With Your Domain Shop
Once you get visitors to come to your domain portfolio site, whether via social media or another source, you need to convince them to stay and turn them into leads. This article explains some fundamentals when it comes to building trust. Go to article…
Benefits of Niche Domain Marketplaces
Do you have a good number of domains that target a specific niche, like real estate, legal, financial, etc.? This article explains how creating a niche marketplace gives you an edge over the mainstream marketplaces and make it cheaper and easier to market. Go to article…
How to Sell More Domains (to End-Users) Like the Big Players
An end-user sale is the most coveted and difficult sale to make on a consistent basis. This article takes a look at how the big domain brokers make sales on a seemingly consistent basis and to end-users. Some important take-aways you can apply to your domain sales efforts. Go to article…
How to Sell More Domains More Quickly
The title says it all. Go to article…
The Benefits of A/B Testing on Your Domain Shop
If you really want to get into the details and psyche of a domain sale, what works, what doesn’t, then you might want to run some tests using the A/B method. This article explains how you can do that. Go to article…
Landing and Sales Pages – How to Use Them and Why They are Critical
Domain landing and sales pages are fundamental to domain sales. Learn what is the difference between the two and how to best utilize them to maximize sales. Go to article…
Top 10 Tips to Get More Results from Your Domain Shop
An overview of top 10 tips that will help you get more results. See if you have overlooked any in your domain sales efforts. Go to article…
How to Use Discount Codes in Domain Sales
Discount codes or coupons are effectively used by many online businesses to motivate buyers that may be sitting on the fence. This article explains how you can use this sales tool in your domain sales. Go to article…
Tips on Appraising Domain Name Prices
It can be a challenge to price your domains or know whether to accept or counter an offer that comes in. This article discusses the challenges, provides valuable pointers and points to online helps for appraising domains. Go to article…
How to Leverage Traffic From Mainstream Domain Marketplaces
Instead of sending free traffic to mainstream marketplaces, learn how to use them to send traffic to your domain shop so you can close a sale without paying high commission. Go to article…
Why You Have Not Missed the Boat in Domaining
This is not as much a tips article but an inspirational one. Learn why this is an exciting moment in time to be in domaining. Go to article…