Domain Market Pro is a paradigm shift in domaining. It is not just another portfolio script, or domain management app. It is a new way of thinking and approach to how domaining can be done and done in a more profitable way. Just think of how much time and money you are losing doing it the old fashioned way:
Selling Domains
The traditional way is using services such as Sedo, Afternic, GoDaddy, Flippa, eBay, etc. First thing you need to consider is that to get a featured listing carries high costs. For example, Sedo charges from $5 to $69 USD per domain per month, at the time of this writing. Flippa and eBay charge just for basic listings, there is no free option. Premium listings cost even more.
If you use the free or basic cost option, your domains won’t get noticed and you have to do your own marketing to have the listing seen by maximum number of eyes.
Then what happens when you invest in your own marketing to promote your domains using social media or other means? You are sending free qualified traffic to those marketplaces. This translates to new subscribers for them and visitors leaving your listing by browsing other domains for sale that are not yours. This is a huge loss to you and huge free traffic boost for the marketplace.
Additionally, if you sell a domain, you have to add the success or commission fee, usually 10% or more. And if you do sell a domain, you don’t know who is making the offer or purchase. You know absolutely nothing about the prospective buyer. This puts you at a serious disadvantage in negotiations.
When you consider the costs in promoting your domains on such “free” marketplaces, losing valuable traffic that you will never see again, and the likelihood of leaving money on the table, the cost of doing it the traditional way is significant, to say the least.
The Shift With DMP
With DMP, your visitors stay on your site. You get to keep the leads generated. You know who you are dealing with. You can research who is making an offer right from your DMP control panel. Build a subscriber list of potential buyers. Inquiries and offers go directly to you. Make automated sales via PayPal,, or generate a purchase order and send a custom invoice to be paid via any method you want.
You can still use the “free” marketplaces if you want. But you are not tied to them. They will not be the primary way to find your domains. They will supplement your DMP shop. You can leverage them to gain more traffic to your site instead of the other way around. When visitors come to your domains, they land on your DMP landing page for each domain. DMP allows you to build a brand for your domain business that projects trust and professionalism.
Parking and Developing Domains
Parking domains is one of the biggest frustrations for domainers. Parking companies keep promising faster and faster payouts but the payouts are lower and lower. Sadly, laughingly so in most cases. You are potentially losing huge amount of revenue because the cut of the PPC revenue going to domain owners is extremely low. Domain owners are the last and least paid part of the parking food-chain, yet they provide the traffic that allows parking companies to profit.
The cost of development prohibits developing a large number of domains.
The Shift With DMP
DMP allows you to forward all of your domains to a single URL to generate a unique landing page based on each individual domain name. You can set up advertising of any type, from images and text linking your business sites, to PPC 3rd party code, even selling direct advertising. Landing pages can be integrated with a custom search engine that includes PPC ads in search results. Or you can just redirect to a sales page for each domain. All landing pages clearly indicate that the domain is for sale and links to your main DMP shop.
With DMP, you can develop your domains into beautiful looking websites quickly for very little cost per site, leaving you with plenty of resources to focus on content. (Coming soon)
The best part is: You keep all of the revenue that your domain landing pages generate.
Building a Domain Portfolio Site
By far, the most popular tool for building a domain portfolio website is WordPress. In some cases, WP might make sense. However, if you find yourself having a difficult time to make WP do what you want it to do, installing e-commerce plugins that don’t work well with domain sales, and just fighting to make WP work for you. If you find yourself spending more time and/or money on your website than actually selling domains and building your business, then it is time for a shift.
The Shift With DMP
DMP is designed to leave more time for the business of selling domains by allowing you to launch a professional domain portfolio/marketplace very quickly and easily.
You have all the tools to add/edit domains in bulk, create content, customize visually your front-end website, and more. You can launch and make changes within minutes instead of hours. Maximize the time you spend on building your business and sell more domains with DMP.