Legacy Landing Page Theme is Available

Legacy Landing Page Theme is Available

By popular request, we have restored the legacy landing page theme. It is available in addition to the previously announced new default landing page themes. You can select this landing page theme for all of your domains or for individual domains. For global landing page settings go to “Customize Website” then “Landing Pages”. To effect […]

SSL And SEO: Free SSL Comes With Every DMP Shop

SSL And SEO: Free SSL Comes With Every DMP Shop

Google has made it public that pages served on a secure server protocol, https, will receive a minor SEO boost. In that article, Google has stated at the outset that “security is a top priority for Google”. Security is also a top priority for Domain Market Pro and for all services provided by our parent, […]

New Customizable Landing Pages

New Customizable Landing Pages

We are happy to announce the release of new customizable landing pages which replace the current default landing page. The new default landing pages come in two theme variations: light and dark. Both variations have monetization modes where you can create custom ads or insert ad code from a 3rd party advertising feed. Background images are […]

Paradigm Shift in Domaining

Paradigm Shift in Domaining

Domain Market Pro is a paradigm shift in domaining. It is not just another portfolio script, or domain management app. It is a new way of thinking and approach to how domaining can be done and done in a more profitable way. Just think of how much time and money you are losing doing it […]